The implications of COVID-19 on commercial obligations is a cause of major concern for the business community. With more lawyers specialising in dispute resolution than any other firm in Ireland, we are uniquely positioned to help clients during this unprecedented global pandemic.
Our objective is to provide strategic advice to clients on how to mitigate the risk of litigation and protect the on-going viability of their business.
Re-Opening Ireland - Ensuring the Survival of Your Business
The period of lockdown continues to present uncertainty and challenges for most businesses. While the gradual re-opening of the country is welcome, it presents a new suite of issues for businesses as they consider how and when to re-open. On Wednesday 20 May, we hosted a webinar where we considered some of the key decisions which must now be made.
Problems and Options for Landlords Faced with Non-Performing Tenants
In recent weeks, landlords have increasingly started to issue legal proceedings against non-performing tenants. We examine the options available to landlords in these situations.
Pragmatic Legislation to Facilitate Insolvency Processes During COVID-19
The Irish parliament has passed temporary legislation to facilitate insolvency processes which will hopefully enable the survival of more businesses during the COVID-19 crisis.
Ireland's Examinership Landscape: An Investor's Perspective
Examinerships present clear prospects for distressed debt investors seeking opportunities arising from the coronavirus fallout. Investing in a company in examinership has its challenges, but these are far from insurmountable. In this article, we look at the strategies and obstacles investors should be cognisant of.
No Thaw on Rent Freeze – Extension of Emergency Period for Tenants
The prohibition on rent increases and tenancy terminations has been extended to 20 July 2020, providing continued protection to residential tenants from rent increases and evictions. We look at this development and how it may continue to provide unintended protection to commercial tenants.
Privacy and Security: The Risks of Working from Home
As many businesses continue to operate remotely, new risks continue to emerge due to the new “shared working environment”. Confidential information can be intercepted, shared or overheard more easily. We look at some real-life examples and provide suggestions for how to limit the risk of your confidential information being leaked.
The Irish Courts – ‘Normal’ Service to Resume, But Not As We Know It?
We provide an update on the steps being taken by the Courts Service to get back to business following the COVID-19 shut down.
Constitutional Challenges to COVID-19 Emergency Legislation
The powers granted by the COVID-19 emergency legislation were extensive, intrusive and wide-ranging, and provided for significant curtailment of rights and freedoms. We consider the interference with constitutional rights, and in particular, property rights, and whether this is vulnerable to legal challenge.
COVID-19 – Welcome Comfort for Directors Trying to Rebuild their Businesses
The Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement has provided guidance on its approach to directors of companies, made insolvent by COVID-19, who act in good faith on objective evidence in trying to rebuild their businesses.
Dispute Resolution |‘Virtual Courtrooms’ – A Short Term Fix or the Way of the Future?
The new ‘virtual courtroom’ pilot scheme announced by the Chief Justice in his public statement on 31 March 2020 is a welcome development. It was hoped that the scheme would be in place for the start of the new legal term and indeed remote Court of Appeal hearings have been scheduled for 20 April 2020. We discuss how the scheme might work in practice.
Dispute Resolution | Dispute Resolution During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Irish courts have been extensively impacted by measures put in place to contain the spread of COVID-19. However, there are alternatives available for the resolution of disputes so there can be developments in progressing litigation. We review the options available.
Dispute Resolution | The Irish Courts and the COVID-19 Crisis
The Chief Justice and the Presidents of each Court Jurisdiction released a statement this week reviewing the Courts’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic to date as well as future plans to conduct remote court hearings. We outline the arrangements implemented to date and discuss the judiciary’s welcome plans to facilitate hearings remotely.
Dispute Resolution | Potential Exposure to Costly Litigation
With many high profile public interest events at risk of cancellation due to the COVID-19 outbreak and an increased danger of breaks in chains of supply, we look at exposure to potential costly legal disputes for manufacturers and suppliers.