We are delighted to support the European Financial Forum 2020 in Dublin on 12 February hosted by The Financial Times, in partnership with IDA Ireland. It is the fifth annual European Financial Forum, bringing together international and Irish industry executives, policy makers, regulators and thought leaders to provide cutting edge analysis on the main business and regulatory issues that the financial services industry should consider in 2020 and the years ahead.
Key members of our financial services team will attend including Will Carmody, Head of Financial Services, and Rowena Fitzgerald, Financial Services Partner.
This annual forum will offer a unique opportunity to reflect on the crucial issues impacting the financial industry today, and the opportunities that the next decade will bring. The theme of this year’s event will focus on being ready. Ready for the transformative potential that technological disruption will bring to global financial services. Ready to harness the possibilities being catalysed by the drive to embed sustainability across the business, investment and banking worlds. Ready for the shifting dynamics that Brexit, US-China trade tensions and other geo-political developments will bring to an already competitive operating environment. Ready for the prospect of a new model of capitalism, as momentum builds among leaders to redefine corporate purpose.