Special measures under the Companies (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Covid 19) Act were introduced in August 2020 as the pandemic’s effect on normal corporate governance and administration of Irish companies became apparent.
Among those measures was a change in the law to allow companies in Ireland to hold general meetings, ie meetings of members - virtually, in whole or in part. There is no requirement for meetings to be held at a physical venue, provided that all of those who are entitled to attend have a reasonable opportunity to participate. This has proved popular and has, for many of our clients, seen a marked increase in member participation. Measures also applied to the holding of creditors’ meetings virtually.
These particular provisions were due to expire on 31 December 2023, but the Government has now announced that they will be extended to 31 December 2024. This is good news, given the popularity and generally positive effect of the measures.
For expert legal guidance on any company law queries you may have, please contact a member of our Corporate Governance team.
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