EU Regulations Proposals for AI
EU Regulation Proposals for AI in Europe
A useful overview of recent European Commission's proposals for the regulation of AI in Europe from partner, Brian McElligott.
A helpful overview of recent EU regulation proposals for AI in Europe from our partner, Brian McElligott. This is also available as a podcast and you can listen on Soundcloud here:
AI Laws and Timelines
Check out our graphical overview of the key timelines and points for the regulation of AI in Europe here.
AI Insights
A selection of recent articles on legal developments in AI within Ireland and Europe.
Draft Proposal for the Regulation of Ethical AI
The EU Parliament has announced draft proposals for a Regulation on the ethical principles for the development, deployment and use of artificial intelligence, robotics and related technologies. The scope of the proposal is far reaching and could significantly impact those developing, deploying and using high risk AI.
AI and Privacy: Where The Rubber Meets the Road
The EU Parliament’s draft Regulation on ethics in AI seeks to build off the GDPR.
Acknowledging AI as an Inventor of IP - A Slippery Slope to Giving AI the Same Rights as Humans?
Can an artificial intelligence machine be the inventor of its own creations? Recent rulings and EU law experts think not. Apparent gaps in EU IP law have been brought to light in the DABUS decisions and the European Parliament has looked at these issues in its Report on Intellectual Property Rights for the Development of Artificial Intelligence Technologies 2020/2015.
Why Ireland for AI and IP Companies?
We look at the benefits of being a cutting-edge technology company in Ireland.
A Civil Liability Regime for AI?
The European Commission recently voted on a new legislative proposal for a civil liability regime for artificial intelligence. This article explores the main features of the civil liability framework contained in the proposal.
Investments in AI Businesses
Due to the popularity of Artificial Intelligence products and businesses, we are seeing a strong deal flow in this area. We explore some of the key considerations when investing or buying an Irish incorporated artificial intelligence business.
Online IP Infringement: Liability for ISPs in Europe
We summarise recent obligations from the CJEU on the liability and actions for ISPs on notice and takedown requests where intellectual property rights have been infringed.
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