Welcome to the next edition of our MHC Moments series, where we shine a spotlight on the contributions our people make to our community and the experiences that make us who we are.
Maeve Boland, Senior Corporate Governance Executive, talks to us about her involvement with the MHC Carol Singing.
Tell us about your involvement with the MHC Carol Singing
I first got involved with MHC Carol Singing in 2019 through my membership of the MHC Rise Committee, and despite not having a note in my head, I have volunteered every year since. I'm living proof that singing talent is not required. It always makes for a great evening out and most importantly it's for an extremely worthy cause.
Favourite memory from any of the carol singing events over the years?
It is always very rewarding when people take time out of their busy days to stop and enjoy the music. Last year, there was a young child who was mesmerised by the carols. Her mother noticed her dancing and stopped in her tracks to join her. The two of them swirled and bopped to several songs which was a lovely sight. There were delighted when we dedicated a rendition of Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer especially to them!
What's your favourite Christmas song?
I always count down to when Micheal Buble comes out of hibernation for Winter. I previously worked in a bookshop during college and one year was put on an unofficial Buble ban. After playing his Christmas album on repeat one too many times in the shop during my December shifts, the CD mysteriously went missing one day never to return again…!
What do you find most rewarding about your involvement?
There's a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes in the lead up to the carolling event and it's always rewarding to see it come to fruition on the night. The annual charity carol singing event has been an MHC tradition for the last two decades so it's amazing to play a role in something so significant that existed long before my time, and no doubt will continue long after!
Do you encounter any challenges?
Unfortunately, yes! For example, this year our usual location wasn’t available, however we’re looking forward to caroling at our new location in Temple Bar Square.
What advice would you give to other staff members who are considering getting involved in similar initiatives?
I think if you have even the slightest interest or curiosity to get involved in a similar initiative, take the plunge and go for it. It can be daunting putting yourself forward for things where you don't know many involved but we have a great community here in MHC, that is extremely welcoming and inclusive. Life can also be busy, and it can be hard to find time to give back to your community, linking up with charity events through work can be a time efficient way to do this and also a great way to get to know people across the firm.
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