News Competition, Antitrust & Foreign Investment
Foreign Direct Investment Regimes 2023 – Ireland chapter
Dec 14, 2022

Our Competition & Antitrust team has contributed the Ireland chapter to the latest edition of the Foreign Direct Investment Regimes guide from International Comparative Legal Guides (ICLG).
The guide offers practical insights on the draft Third Country Transactions Bill 2022, that was published in August 2022, and which proposes to introduce Ireland's first investment screening regime.
The guide includes consideration of the following topics, among others:
- Ireland’s first investment screening regime
- The types of foreign investments, sectors and activities which may fall within the scope of the new legislation
- The procedure for notification to and approval by the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment
- The applicable substantive test
- Potential sanctions for failure to comply
You can download the Ireland chapter below or visit the ICLG website to access the chapters on other jurisdictions.
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