European Commission Launches Targeted Consultation on the EU Securitisation Framework
DCM Focus Series

And we're off! In the first of a series of important milestones towards the reform of the EU securitisation market, the Commission has now published its hotly anticipated targeted consultation. The consultation adopts a questionnaire format, steering stakeholders through a wide range of issues, which provide helpful cues as to how the market’s “relaunch” might look. It examines:
- The effectiveness of the securitisation framework
- Scope of application of the Securitisation Regulation
- Due diligence requirements
- Transparency requirements and definition of public securitisation
- Supervision
- The STS standard
- Securitisation Platform
- Prudential and liquidity treatment of securitisation for banks
- Prudential treatment of securitisation for insurers
- Prudential framework for IORPs and other pension funds
Woven throughout the report is a palpable sensitivity to achieving balance between key objectives such as regulatory streamlining (the pursuit of simplification, clarity and efficiency), investor protection, and financial stability.
The consultation closes on 4 December 2024.
European Commission Targeted Consultation on the Functioning of the EU Securitisation Framework
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