For the next MHC Intern Life, we talked to Liduska Nagyova who is going into her third year in University College Dublin studying law with economics. She tells us about her third week as an intern here.
Our third week in Mason Hayes & Curran was mostly centered around our presentations and getting feedback on how our internship was. On Friday we got to say goodbye to our mentors and our teams. The firm had a lovely lunch planned for us in Angelina’s where we got to say our farewells and then we had a socialising event with the trainees after work.
Being in the construction department my work is very varied, and I spent this week going through contracts and drafting M&A letters with my senior associate. As construction is such a large and varied department, we get to do a lot of cross-departmental work, which is a great way to meet new people. I also got involved in helping to draft articles which was interesting.
Everyone in my team is great, giving me guidance and helping me understand the various transactions and projects that they get me involved in. They always include me in everything and make me feel like I am a part of their team. I am also learning something new everyday which is always a plus.
On Monday we got to have lunch with newly qualified lawyers. This was insightful for finding out about the life here, but also for learning more about what it’s like to work in other departments. We also had our last department briefing which again provided insight into different practice areas here in the firm.
During the week, we received feedback from the Knowledge Department on our case notes. Everyone received a different case to write a note about which was a useful exercise to have because as a solicitor you are always reading cases, so it’s good to get into good practice now!
On Thursday we got to present our projects which we have been working on since day two to a panel of solicitors, marketing, and partners. My group did our project and research on the new Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act 2022. This was a very interesting topic to research as it affects a lot of clients who are employees.
The genuine highlight of my last week and the internship overall was lunch with our mentors and the rest of the trainees in Angelina’s. I could not have asked for a better experience here and it’s crazy to think how fast this week has flown.
Learn more about our internship programme.
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