We are delighted to announce the results of our 2017 Gender & Diversity in the Aviation Industry Survey. We surveyed Ireland’s aviation industry during the summer of 2017, including speaking to many of the leading aviation finance companies based here. Some of the report’s key findings include:
- Representation of women at senior level in the aviation industry remains an issue, with nearly half those surveyed saying that only 10% or less of c-suite or board level positions in their company are filled by women.
- While high levels of female and other diversity candidates are hired at lower levels, over half of respondents said that these candidates made up less than 10% of new hires at senior level (eg: head of function, executive director or c-suite).
- 63% of respondents said their company does not have a gender and diversity committee. New EU rules require directors of large companies to produce an annual non-financial statement containing, amongst other information, details of the company’s gender and diversity policy and implementation plans.
- Work-life balance remains the biggest career challenge for those working in Ireland’s aviation industry – over a quarter of respondents identified this as the biggest challenge to career progression.
- The lack of clearly laid out career progression is also an issue in the aviation sector – 58% of respondents said there was no clear path to promotion in their company. Crucially, over one third of respondents said that a lack of opportunity was a big driver in changing employers.
- While almost three-quarters of respondents have been mentored and half have been a mentor, 68% of respondents said this contribution has not been recognised. Given the important role mentoring can play in encouraging diversity, more recognition of it should be seen.
Commenting on the results, Christine O’Donovan, Partner & Head of Aviation, said, “At a time when the political and media focus on gender and diversity has never been stronger, we’ve taken a look at practices in Ireland’s important aviation sector. This is particularly timely as, in August new EU regulations on the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information for certain large companies came into effect. These companies are now required to produce an annual non-financial statement and a diversity report.”
“Looking at the survey results, it would appear that, for some organisations in the aviation industry, further work should be carried out to ensure that diversity is given the priority it deserves in company policies. The challenge is not simply to embrace diversity but to foster and encourage diversity. Current and future workers should also have access to appropriate level of support and training to assist in making and responding to career choices and life choices.”
“Creating a more inclusive workplace for all will benefit those currently in the industry and those considering entering it, whether men, women, intersex or transgender. We must all support our colleagues and workers in the paths they may choose if we are to achieve greater level of equality in representation and sustainable careers in aviation.”
To read the report please click here.