In the six months since the publication of our Mid-Year Review, advancement in the EU product and consumer protection law landscape has continued apace. We review some of the key developments during the year and look ahead to future reform for 2024.
In this Review, we will consider key issues such as:
- The implications of the proposed revised Product Liability Directive for economic operators of consumer products. Its entry into force is much anticipated now that political agreement on a compromise text has been reached between the Parliament and Council
- The new product safety obligations that providers of online marketplaces will have to comply with under the EU’s General Product Safety Regulation
- The headline measures under the new Batteries Regulation, as part of the EU’s initiatives under the European Green Deal to achieve a carbon-neutral continent by 2050
- An update on recent developments regarding the legal position on third party litigation funding in Ireland
- An overview of the EU’s proposed Right to Repair Directive and anticipated next steps now that the European Parliament and Council have finalised their negotiating mandates
- The implications for economic operators of consumer products following the EU’s recent amendment to the REACH Regulation, which aims to restrict the intentional use of microplastics in consumer products
As we look to 2024, we discuss these issues and much more and hope you enjoy the fifth edition of our Annual Product & Consumer Protection Review.