Webinar: Financial Services Insights with Gillian Tett, Financial Times
Tuesday 9th November 2021
We had a unique opportunity to hear from renowned author and financial journalist Gillian Tett of the Financial Times on Tuesday 9 November at 4pm.
Gillian Tett is Chair of the US Editorial Board and America Editor-at-Large at the Financial Times.
Gillian’s unique position as an anthropologist and financial commentator allow her to provide remarkable insights into how current economic, political and social developments can be better understood. In a time of great disruption, understanding the wider cultural and environmental forces that are impacting our world today will allow business leaders, policy makers and financiers make better decisions to ultimately benefit their businesses and society as a whole.
Gillian Tett is Chair of the US Editorial Board and America Editor-at-Large at the Financial Times.
- Gillian's new book, 'Anthro-Vision: A New Way to See in Business and Life' (June 2021), offers a look at how businesses can revolutionise their understanding of human behaviour by studying consumers and organisations through an anthropological lens.
- She is also the author of The Silo Effect: The Peril of Expertise and the Promise of Breaking Down Barriers and the New York Times bestseller Fool's Gold.
- Her other roles at the Financial Times have included Capital Markets Editor, Deputy Editor of the Lex column, a London-based Economics Reporter and a Reporter in Russia and Brussels. Her twice-weekly column earned her recognition as Columnist of the Year at the 2014 Press Awards.
- Gillian has a PhD in Social Anthropology from Cambridge University, based on research conducted in the former Soviet Union in the early 1990s. She speaks French and Russian and has studied Japanese and Tajik.
*We regularly produce insights on key legal issues in the Irish market. These are circulated in a monthly update, which covers a variety of industry sectors. Occasionally we send breaking news bulletins on significant developments affecting you and your business. We want to ensure you are never overwhelmed with information, so we rarely send more than two emails a month.
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