Welcome to our Product & Consumer Protection Mid-Year Review 2024.
In the six months since the publication of our 2023 Annual Review, there have been significant changes in the EU product and consumer protection law landscape. We review some of the key developments during the year to date and look ahead to future reform.
In this Review, we will consider key issues such as:
- An update on the proposed revised Product Liability Directive and its potential impact for consumer products stakeholders
- Recent developments under Irish law regarding the regulation of single use plastics and cap/lid tethering obligations
- Potential liability considerations arising from ‘hallucinations’ by customer service chatbots
- An update on the recently enacted EU Data Act and its impact for connected products and cloud services
- An overview of the implementation of the European Accessibility Act into Irish Law
We discuss these issues and much more and hope you enjoy the fifth edition of our Mid-Year Product & Consumer Protection Review.